EPA Launches New Community-based Initiative to Help People Access Unprecedented Resources for Local Climate and Environmental Justice Solutions

EPA Launches New Community-based Initiative to Help People Access Unprecedented Resources for Local Climate and Environmental Justice Solutions

Under President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda, EPA to host a National Virtual Open House November 6-14; registration for the event is now open

Contact: EPA Press Office (press@epa.gov)

WASHINGTON (Nov. 1, 2023) –Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the launch of the Community, Equity & Resiliency initiative, a groundbreaking effort to help communities across the nation navigate EPA’s Inflation Reduction Act investments and other new funding opportunities made possible by President Biden’s Investing in America agenda. Through this new initiative, EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation and Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights will facilitate community-driven partnerships and provide a space for communities to learn, connect, and cultivate ideas on how to access the historic resources, especially in low-income and disadvantaged communities.

“Thanks to President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, we now have the largest investments in climate action and environmental justice in U.S. history,” said EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan. “The Community, Equity & Resiliency initiative will provide a roadmap to help communities navigate the Inflation Reduction Act and other new Investing in America funding opportunities from EPA, as we work to meet people where they are.”

As part of the initiative, EPA will host live virtual and in-person events, including panel discussions and fireside chats featuring environmental leaders and their peers, to help community-based organizations, their community partners, and potential grant applicants navigate funding opportunities. These engagements are designed to spark ideas on how to take advantage of Investing in America programs while taking into account each community’s unique context when confronting the climate crisis and advancing environmental and climate justice. EPA’s new Community, Equity & Resiliency website offers information on multiple funding opportunities and resources to ensure community-driven partnerships can inspire meaningful change in their communities. To learn more about the effort, visit EPA’s new Community, Equity & Resiliency webpage.

National Virtual Open House, November 6-14
On November 6, 2023, EPA will kick off the Community, Equity & Resiliency initiative with a National Virtual Open House that is open to the public. This six-day event will include a series of virtual panels and fireside chats featuring prominent environmental leaders and peers discussing their ideas to overcome environmental pollution and climate change challenges through funding opportunities that are available through the Inflation Reduction Act and other programs under the President’s Investing in America agenda. Panel and fireside chat topics will include climate change in rural communities, green jobs, electric vehicle infrastructure, technical assistance and more.

Register for the National Virtual Open House