
The 2024 Planning subcommittee is led by Crystal Warren of Tennessee and currently meeting the second Wednesday of each month.

Historically, the Subcommittee meets regularly in the months leading up to the event and is made up of SBEAP regional representatives and one representative from each subcommittee. Below please find the event summary reports and meeting notes.

Past events

Click here to see the agenda and recorded presentations from the last several Annual Training events.

2024 Annual Training was held March 12-14 in Chattanooga, TN. The event planning is documented in the subcommittee notes, as well as the evaluation results. Thanks to Crystal Warren and Donovan Grimwood (TN) for their leadership.

2024 Sustainable Conference Practices Training

2023 Annual Training was held March 21-23 in Lake Tahoe, NV. The event planning is documented in the subcommittee notes, as well as the event summary and the evaluation results.

2022 Annual Training was held virtually on Thursdays from 1 to 4 p.m EST in May. The event planning is documented in the subcommittee notes, as well as the event summary and the evaluation results. Thanks to  Chris Lynch (Nevada) and his team for leading the themed sessions. The event was originally planned as an in person event, but lingering COVID impacts required it be held virtually.

2021 Annual Training was held virtually June 8-10, 2021. The event planning is documented in the subcommittee notes and the event evaluation results are also available. Thanks to Jennifer Collins (Indiana) for chairing the 2021 Annual Training. 

2020 Annual Training was held virtually Sept. 8 -11, 2020. The training agenda, which links various files including videos and poll results, is posted, but will be moved to the archive pages in 2021. In addition to the aggregate meeting notes, an event report summary and evaluation results are now available available for review. 

2019 Annual Training was held May 14 - 18, 2019 in Chicago, Ill. The training agenda, event photos and award winners are all archived on this website. Also included are the event evaluation summary and meeting notes.

2018 Annual Training was held April 30 - May 3, 2018 in Arlington, Virginia. The training agenda, event photos and award winners, can be viewed at the above page.

2017 Annual Training was held May 15-18 in Denver, Colorado. The training agenda, event photos and award winners, can be viewed at the above page.

2016 Annual Training was held May 3-5 in Washington, D.C.. The training agenda, event photos and award winners, can be reviewed at the above page.