Section 507 of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments requires each state establish a Small Business Environmental Assistance Program (SBEAP) to assist small businesses with environmental compliance and emissions reduction. Nationally these SBEAPs have a strong alliance and support system, sharing critical resources that benefit small businesses all across the country. If your state SBEAP would like to get more involved nationally, contact the National Steering Committee chair, your regional representative or Nancy Larson for more information.
Additional SBEAP resources include –
- National SBEAP YouTube Channel - home to numerous of trainings and presentations hosted by various National SBEAP subcommittees and outside experts
- Ask SBEAP - short SBEAP-related topics for program newsletters (updated January 2024)
- Searchable consolidated "Q & A" resource from "main" group email list (updated through June 2024)
- Agency partner list for new SBEAPs
- National SBEAP guidance documents
- Guidelines for Implementation of Section 507
- Guidance for posting to National SBEAP Listservs
- Guidance for use of the National SBEAP logo
- Guidance for article submission to the ASBO Newsletter
- Guidance for preparing Tweets
- SBEAP-SBO Guidelines - 2010 NSC guidelines for positions and voting
- Regional Small Business Liaison role and shorter summary document
- Listing of Regional Small Business Liaisons by Region (scroll to bottom of page)
- EPA's Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards
- OAQPS Small Business Assistance Program resources
- To subscribe to OAQPS listserv, send an email to:
- EPA’s ASBO Monitoring and Reporting Strategy
- EPA's Smart Steps to Sustainability
- Potential SBEAP Funding Sources
- EPA Resource list for small entity compliance assistance
- SBA Resource Guide
- Environmental Council of the States (ECOS)
- Community Navigator Pilot Program
- Historic SBEAP resources