Archived News & Events

On May 2, 2024, EPA hosted the Administrator’s 34th Annual Small Business Programs Award Ceremony to honor the outstanding Fiscal Year 2023 small business championship of EPA programs, employees, and business and state partners from across the country. Read More

On April 19, 2024, EPA took another step in its efforts to protect people from the health risks posed by exposure to “forever chemicals” in communities across the country. Read More

EPA posted a Small Business Compliance Guide to assist small businesses in understanding the requirements of the 2024 New Source Performance Standards for the Oil and Natural Gas Industry. Read More

The Environmental Justice Clearinghouse will help the public access tools and resources as part of President Biden’s ambitious environmental justice agenda. Read More

EPA invites eligible applicants in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Delaware, and Washington, D.C. to apply for a Regional Source Reduction Assistance grant by April 15, 2024. Read More

The EPA announced the availability of nearly $24 million in grants to support states, U.S. territories, and Tribes in providing technical assistance to businesses to develop and adopt pollution prevention practices. Read More

EPA released draft criteria for PCRs in support of a new label for more climate-friendly construction materials and products. Read More