New Resource for Using TRI Data to Reduce Pollution in Communities

The EPA announced a new web-based resource for individuals and organizations working to reduce local industrial pollution. The “Guide to Using Toxics Release Inventory Data to Reduce Pollution in Your Community” helps users identify local sources of chemical emissions, understand which ones may be of greatest concern, and advance solutions to reduce chemical releases from these sources. The new guide is part of EPA’s ongoing efforts to help people access the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) information most relevant to them and understand what actions they can take based on the information.

The guide is organized around four steps. In the first step, users are prompted to enter a city name to produce a community profile report that contains TRI data for that location. The second step of the guide explains each section of the community profile, and how to recognize the facilities that may be of most concern based on the type of chemicals they release into the environment and the characteristics of the population living nearby. Once users have identified facilities for potential pollution reduction efforts, the third and fourth steps guide users to potential solutions and ideas for taking action.

The guide incorporates information from the TRI Toxics Tracker, the Risk-Screening Environmental Indicators (RSEI) model, EJScreen, and the TRI Pollution Prevention Search Tool and links to resources that can help advance solutions to reduce pollution, including EPA’s Pollution Prevention Grant Program and a webpage with links to pollution prevention technical assistance providers.

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